Sea Poems | 10 of the Best Poems about the Sea


    Annabel Lee Poem by Edgar Allan Poe

    It was many and many a year ago,
    In a kingdom by the sea,
    That a maiden there lived whom you may know
    By the name of ANNABEL LEE;
    And this maiden she lived with no other thought
    Than to love and be loved by me.

    I was a child and she was a child,
    In this kingdom by the sea;
    But we loved with a love that was more than love-
    I and my Annabel Lee;
    With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
    Coveted her and me.

    And this was the reason that, long ago,
    In this kingdom by the sea,
    A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
    My beautiful Annabel Lee;
    So that her highborn kinsman came
    And bore her away from me,
    To shut her up in a sepulchre
    In this kingdom by the sea.

    The angels, not half so happy in heaven,
    Went envying her and me-
    Yes! – that was the reason (as all men know,
    In this kingdom by the sea)
    That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
    Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.

    But our love it was stronger by far than the love
    Of those who were older than we-
    Of many far wiser than we-
    And neither the angels in heaven above,
    Nor the demons down under the sea,
    Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
    Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.

    For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
    Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
    And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes
    Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
    And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
    Of my darling- my darling- my life and my bride,
    In the sepulchre there by the sea,
    In her tomb by the sounding sea.



    A Crazed Girl Poem by William Butler Yeats

    THAT crazed girl improvising her music.
    Her poetry, dancing upon the shore,

    Her soul in division from itself
    Climbing, falling She knew not where,
    Hiding amid the cargo of a steamship,
    Her knee-cap broken, that girl I declare
    A beautiful lofty thing, or a thing
    Heroically lost, heroically found.

    No matter what disaster occurred
    She stood in desperate music wound,
    Wound, wound, and she made in her triumph
    Where the bales and the baskets lay
    No common intelligible sound
    But sang, ‘O sea-starved, hungry sea.’



    The Eagle Poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson

    He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
    Close to the sun in lonely lands,
    Ring’d with the azure world, he stands.
    The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
    He watches from his mountain walls,
    And like a thunderbolt he falls.



    The World Is Too Much With Us; Late And Soon Poem by William Wordsworth

    The world is too much with us; late and soon,
    Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers:
    Little we see in Nature that is ours;
    We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!
    This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon;
    The winds that will be howling at all hours,
    And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers;
    For this, for everything, we are out of tune,
    It moves us not.–Great God! I’d rather be
    A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;
    So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,
    Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;
    Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;
    Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.



    Your Words Of Love Poem by Marieta Maglas

    I have seemingly missed your words of love,
    Those words that were written in the sand
    And erased by the first wave.
    Do you remember, my love?
    I have enclosed them hermetically
    With that last kiss.
    And, after that,
    Another kiss
    And another exotic beach
    And another feeling, autumnal feeling,
    Of another ostensible seemingly love
    Fulfilled my nothingness…
    Among corals and shells,
    Dried by the winds of the sea,
    I awake in following my lost steps,
    Taken by the waves
    And redirected to the great unknown in the sea,
    That great eternal…..
    I still love you,
    I love you more, miss you more.
    Yes, I still miss you
    And I realize that all I can do now
    Is to lodge near the moan of the sea sand,
    Which feels like a silk slipped worn-out dress,
    When I touch it.
    And slantingly I elect the oblivion,
    I want to kiss again and again
    Your gray-haired temple,
    But, in reverting, I receive only
    The kiss of our child…



    Leaning Into The Afternoons Poem by Pablo Neruda

    Leaning into the afternoons I cast my sad nets
    towards your oceanic eyes.

    There in the highest blaze my solitude lengthens and flames,
    its arms turning like a drowning man’s.

    I send out red signals across your absent eyes
    that smell like the sea or the beach by a lighthouse.

    You keep only darkness, my distant female,
    from your regard sometimes the coast of dread emerges.

    Leaning into the afternoons I fling my sad nets
    to that sea that is thrashed by your oceanic eyes.

    The birds of night peck at the first stars
    that flash like my soul when I love you.

    The night gallops on its shadowy mare
    shedding blue tassels over the land.



    Rain Poem by Robert Louis Stevenson

    The rain is raining all around,
    It falls on field and tree,
    It rains on the umbrellas here,
    And on the ships at sea.



    A Little Boy’s Dream Poem by Katherine Mansfield

    To and fro, to and fro
    In my little boat I go
    Sailing far across the sea
    All alone, just little me.
    And the sea is big and strong
    And the journey very long.
    To and fro, to and fro
    In my little boat I go.

    Sea and sky, sea and sky,
    Quietly on the deck I lie,
    Having just a little rest.
    I have really done my best
    In an awful pirate fight,
    But we cdaptured them all right.
    Sea and sky, sea and sky,
    Quietly on the deck I lie–

    Far away, far away
    From my home and from my play,
    On a journey without end
    Only with the sea for friend
    And the fishes in the sea.
    But they swim away from me
    Far away, far away
    From my home and from my play.

    Then he cried “O Mother dear.”
    And he woke and sat upright,
    They were in the rocking chair,
    Mother’s arms around him–tight.



    Full Fathom Five Poem by William Shakespeare

    Full fathom five thy father lies;
    Of his bones are coral made;
    Those are pearls that were his eyes:
    Nothing of him that doth fade
    But doth suffer a sea-change
    Into something rich and strange.
    Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:
    Hark! now I hear them,–ding-dong, bell.



    Break, Break, Break Poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson

    Break, break, break,
    On thy cold gray stones, O Sea!
    And I would that my tongue could utter
    The thoughts that arise in me.

    O, well for the fisherman’s boy,
    That he shouts with his sister at play!
    O, well for the sailor lad,
    That he sings in his boat on the bay!

    And the stately ships go on
    To their haven under the hill;
    But O for the touch of a vanished hand,
    And the sound of a voice that is still!

    Break, break, break,
    At the foot of thy crags, O Sea!
    But the tender grace of a day that is dead
    Will never come back to me.